domingo, 20 de março de 2011

Japão: Fusão como plano de emergência?

Estava navegando pela internet durante uma pausa no meu trabalho quando eu dei de cara com um texto meio perturbador, mas ao mesmo tempo fascinante.

Infelizmente, eu só copiei o texto, não tendo tempo de copiar o endereço do original. Quem souber o endereço original onde este texto foi publicado, pode comentar aqui mesmo.

Dada a catástrofe que foi o terremoto seguido da tsunami que varreu a região de Sendai, no Japão, alguns políticos japoneses estariam pensando em um plano de emergência para o caso de o país começar a afundar bem mais que os 60 cm que afundou desta vez - E constantemente.

I feel that something very terrible will happen to the japanese people.
Also feel a necessary change to the survival of japanese people and culture.

Within this change, I see an oportunity so unique to save Japan from vanishing and guarantee land enough to grow without need importing basic needs from Strangers.
I feel in my spirit that Japan will sink. And, when I say "to sink", I am saying LITERALLY to sink, like the legendary Atlantis! Japan has already sunk 2 feet, how much more is needed to Japan vanish?
The Japanese people needs to get out from the archipelago. Preferentially, taking away your industries, universities, facilities, railroads, temples, and anything needed.
And the ONLY place that can receive Japan inside it without bigger complications is Brazil. Hai, Brazil!
China can't receive us, Korea, despite friendly, is still upset with historic Japanese raids, USA is not friendly, Australia is under UK influence, Russia hates us, and Canada is under USA influence.
So, Brazilian people need be ready. Ready to the Japanese "exodus", once that we are almost 130 million people. Brazil need be prepared to the incoming of a whole country, with its people, its facilities, its language, its currency, its traditions, its lifestyle, so different of Brazilian's.
Signs are clear. Through the years, Japan has helping Brazil to get ready to merge to Japan in its own territory:
--In 16th Century, Portugal got from Japan the control over the Kyushu island; Nagasaki was founded by Portuguese missionaries;
--In the beginning of the 20th Century, Japanese people arrived in Brazil, helping to form the biggest Japanese colony outside Japan;
--Many words from Portuguese are inserted in Japanese language, and vice-versa, so deep that nobody knows if some words like "oi" and "ne" came from Japanese to Portuguese or from Portuguese to Japanese;
--Many Brazilian youngsters acquired habits inherent to Japanese youngsters, like cosplaying and Manga stories' reading (and creating). In the meantime, Japanese young culture is spreading out across Brazil;
--Jiu Jitsu, considered during centuries a Japanese martial art, although risen in India, changed its "citizenship" and is known as "Brazilian Jiu Jitsu";
--A Japanese anime named "Michiko e Hatchin" has many Brazilian elements, although the story happens in a fictional country;
--Brazil and Japan developed together a common Digital Television pattern;
--Football, a very known as "Brazilian" sport, is getting popular in Japan;
--Many people in Brazil seek to learn Japanese language, even with no conditions or interest to go to Japan;
--Eastern religions risen in Japan increase the number of practitioners in Brazil, while some of them are getting "Brazilianized";
--There are increasing the number of language schools in Brazil that offer classes of Japanese language, and Portuguese is getting more common in the archipelago; 
--Japanese cuisine get more and more adepts in Brazil: An example is the ramen, that is very popular in Brazil under the label "miojo";
There are other more or less subtile signs. Japan and Brazil are giving signs of approach. So, I say, Brazil have to get ready to the Great Tribulation, that may force the whole Japan to a true Exodus towards Brazil. If Brazil get ready, the country will receive not only the Japanese people, but also everything they attain to bring from the archipelago.
Some politicians are already planning this fusion some years ago, since the Kobe's Earthquake. The Emperor is already well-informed about it, but keeps it in secret. According to studies commissioned by these politicians, the merging to Brazil is the only way to save Japan from disappearing if the archipelago to sink. They are hiding this operation's plans under the name "Miai".

Sendai's Tsunami was only an advice.
Get ready, Japan.
Get ready, Brazil.

If this events continue keeping, it will begin a fusion like History was never seen.

Imagina o Japão fundido ao Brasil, como seria? Não apenas o povo, mas todos os recursos que o país tem, que fazem dele a terceira economia do mundo?

Como eu havia dito antes, assusta, mas fascina.

2 comentários:

  1. Meu jovem, eu conheço um pouco de programação - particularmente a dos motores de busca - e, a não ser que você tenha traduzido de algum site escrito em japonês, posso afirmar com boa margem de segurança que seu texto não foi tirado de nenhum site válido ou ativo na internet. Não sei qual o seu propósito em divulgar o texto, mas fazer sensacionalismo em cima da desgraça alheia é golpe baixo.

  2. Ok.
    Se essa é a tua opinião, quem sou eu pra criticá-la?
    Eu não faço sensacionalismo, eu apenas especulo sobre a veracidade de certas informações que recebo, que geralmente, não estão sempre disponíveis em "sites válidos e ativos" devido à seriedade de seu conteúdo.
    Se eu acredito no que eu publiquei? Não posso falar nada, até obter uma confirmação ou desmentida. O que eu disse hoje pode ser desmentido (ou confirmado) amanhã.
    E obrigado pelo "Meu jovem".
